Monday, May 30, 2011

Cetatea Poienari (Poienari fortress)

           On the upper course of the river Arges, near the present village Capataneni was lifting an outpost and later a fortress shrouded in legends. It was called Poienari fortress, and was first mentioned in historical chronicles in 1453.
           Fortification with 2-3m thick walls and five defensive towers, was once besieged by a Turkish attack in 1462. The northern part of the Fortress collapsed during the earthquake of 1915.
             Fortress of Poienari is four kilometers from the dam Vidraru, perched on a mountain top, at an altitude of 860 meters. Here is where, according to legend, Vlad withdrew from the way the Turks. Access to its thick walls and today is a pain, because it captured only allow those who dare to climb the 1480 steps built into the hill crest. Perhaps this challenge attracts thousands of tourists annually, which once reached the top, are part of an incredible sight. The ruins of the city leave to discern a unique landscape and wilderness splendor. This has made the county government to focus more attention on this sightseeing. Arges County Council wants to install a lift for those who want to avoid climbing the steps 1480 and above, the city, to fit a patio and a monitor on which to watch movies with Vlad Tepes.
      You'll have all the chance in the world to find yourself in the middle of a kind of "twilight zone". It's a bad thing for the view because, depending on the cloud's density, you'll have only a few meters/feet of visibility. This, of course, is good for your imagination about vampires and ghosts - but don't expect to find such things in the real world of the castle.

        As you climb the stairs the light finds its way through the trees with more difficulty. Pay attention to the shadowed stairs because they are not in the best shape. Before 1972, when the stairs were built, it was only a hidden trail here.

At the top, you must pay the tribute (2 LEI) to the fortress "guardian", Nea Pompiliu. But, please, don't ask him about ghosts and vampires because he gets angry. Ask him instead about the castle's legends and let him tell you in his own way…

1 comment:

  1. Every summer i go there and i must tell u is verry difficult tu rich the top :D , i lost about 2kg weight till there but once u are i can tell u is an amezing view!
